Thursday, January 16, 2020

Lost In Translation

Uniqlo Jeans Innovation Center notes:

Great, sustainable denim, I'm all in!

Special waterless washing.  Awesome.  (Hopefully they are not washing in gasoline or something like that.)

Hmm, hold on, if this is waterless, why does the water need to be recycled?  There is no water, what's to recycle?

Natural drying, air drying, I get it, nice.  But, why are these being dried if they are not even wet due to being waterless.

I think what might be going on here is it's "water" "less", as in using less water.  Maybe that's OK with water, but can you imagine meatless hamburgers?  There's still meat in them, but less meat so that means more vegan.  Meat-"less".  Or how about homeless?  You're not without a house, you just downsized to a smaller house, less house, less home, homeless.

We're onto you marketing people!

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