Monday, March 4, 2019

Disk Performance

Recently got a Synology DS1819+ and did some performance benchmarks.

Looked around at a bunch of perf benchmark tools and settled on CrystalDiskMark 6.0.1 (although I downloaded and installed from the Microsoft Store - quick/easy install (free)).

Ran on the old Synology DS215J and on the new Synology DS1819+

Results from a CIFS mount of a folder.



OK, so way better caching on the random reads and writes.  The sequential is about 30% better.

Disks behind the test are:

DS215J    - 2 WD30EFRX-68EUZN0 - 3TB 5400RPM WD Red disks
DS1819+ - 2 WD40EFRX-68N32N0 - 4TB 5400RPM WD Red disks

Interesting to note the WD30EFRX has 147MB/s interface speeds, the WD40EFRX has 150MB.  The 2GB model WD20EFAX has 180MB/s interface speed and 256MB cache whereas the other models have 64GB cache.  Strange difference, 2GB model seems to be much better.

There are no real specs of I/O perf of these models but the assumption is newer ones have higher areal density so better (faster) I/O.

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