Saturday, July 22, 2017

Paleo Mainfesto

Diet ideas from the Paleo Manifesto.

Make Broths and Stocks.
Eat Fermented Foods.  Sauerkraut, Kimchi, pickles, kombucha, full-fat Greek yogurt, aged cheeses.  Avoid sterilized fermented foods.
Use traditional animal fats, beef fat, lard, butter (Kerrygold, Irish grass-fed butter).  Healthy plant oils include coconut and olive oil.  Avoid industrial vegetable oil such as canola or soybean oil.
Eat a variety of colors, different color plants have different chemical compounds.
Eat Eggs.
Eat Liver.  Duck liver pate is affordable and an easy way to get liver into the diet without having to cook it.
Eat Oily Cold Water Fish.  Mackerel, sardines, herring, anchovies.
Eat Seaweed.
White Rice is OK.
Drink Tea
Alcohol is OK

Avoid industrial foods, things made in a factory, contain lots of ingredients and that don't spoil. 
Avoid sugar, vegetable oils, cereal grains.
Avoid Cereal Grains.  Seeds have toxic proteins designed to pass through mammal digestive tract intact and dispersed and covered in manure for fertilized growth.  Toxic proteins are more heavily concentrated in the outer shell, the bran.
Avoid Legumes, which are grain-like seeds.  Soybeans, peanuts, lentils, peas, alfalfa, any variety of beans.  They have similar defenses like wheat.  White rice is OK.
Avoid nuts and seeds, almonds, cashews, sunflower seeds, like grains and legumes.
Avoid Potentially Problematic Foods, tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, potatoes.
Avoid fruit juices with added sugar.

Interesting note, Wheat contains opioid peptides and make eating wheat enjoyable, addictive, and difficult to stop.

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